FC Announce new woodland payment rates

Changes to Countryside Stewardship woodland offers Information on improvements to Countryside Stewardship woodland incentives.

As a result of the Countryside Stewardship revenue payment rate change, Woodland Creation Maintenance (WD1) option will increase from £200  to £300 per ha per year – applicable to all existing and new CS Agreements 1 January 2022 onwards.
FC are also implementing support to smaller woodlands by uplifting WD2 payment to a minimum of £1000 per year (effective with agreements start date 1 January 2023 onward) – this means that if you’re agreement is less than 10ha in WD2 size, your annual payment will be that of equal of 10ha. FC hope this will incentivise smaller woodland owners to bring their woodlands into active management. Supplements, if applicable, are compatible with the minimum WD2 payment uplift and will be valued on their actual size.