Cross Compliance – Farm Advisory Service updates

 Cross Compliance upcoming Key dates and events FAS Have up-dated the website to give farmers more information about what they should be considering this month….  
16 January For any land located in a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ), this is the date from which you can apply manufactured nitrogen fertilisers to grassland and tillage land if conditions are suitable. This is subject to compliance with the Farming Rules for Water and there is agronomic justification. (SMR* 1)
17 January FAS webinar: What’s new in cross compliance 2022 (15:30-16:30). Andrew Wells from Arable Alliance will explain the operational changes to cross compliance for the 2022 scheme year to help you to comply with the requirements. Please click here to register for the event.
1 February For any land located in an NVZ, from this date you can apply organic manure with a high, readily available nitrogen content (for example, slurry, poultry manures or liquid digested sewage sludge) to grassland and tillage land on all soil types if conditions are suitable and you adhere to the quantity restrictions for applying these manures. This is also subject to compliance with the Farming Rules for Water and there is agronomic justification. (SMR 1)
8 February FAS webinar: Future support schemes (15:30-16:30). Delivered by Jonathan Baker (Deputy Director of the Future Farming and Countryside Programme team at Defra) and Alice De Soer (Director/Adviser at Rural Response Ltd). They will provide an update on the offers available to farmers and answer your questions. Please click here to register for the event.
16 February FAS webinar: Steps to reduce ammonia emissions on farms (19:00-20:00). John Morgan of Creedy Associates is a specialist in the practical use of organic manures within agriculture. In this webinar he will provide an overview of ammonia emissions in agriculture and offer practical information and suggestions for how farmers can reduce their ammonia emissions on farms. Please click here to register for the event.
23 February FAS webinar: Livestock movements and identification (10:00-11:00). Ian Cairns is a sheep farmer and independent adviser with more than 10 years’ experience in delivering events and advice on livestock movements and identification. Ian will cover the requirements for livestock movements and ID and reference inspection failings, highlighting the common areas of non-compliance and what to do to avoid these. Please click here to register for the event.
28 February For any land located in an NVZ, this date is the end for quantity restrictions for applying organic manures with a high, readily available nitrogen content. This is subject to compliance with the Farming Rules for Water and there is agronomic justification. (SMR 1)